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Vybijem ti zuby viečkami - Iba tak

Code: 23021


The book was written by Slovak writer Anton Lauček. It was donated by o.z. A smile for others.

In the spring of 2011, I published the book I'll knock your teeth out with my eyelids - just like that. (I chose the name based on the rhyme of one of my former students: You cooked trout with gills,/I'll ​​knock your teeth out with my eyelids./You pull out your extended eyelashes,/You must have gone mad.)

Two days before the book came out, an elderly lady called me. Judging by her voice and how she was grinding, she must have been a strong person:
"I heard that you are going to print a book with such a brave Slovak title that I will break your mouth... Is it true? I would need it urgently."
She surprised me a little. But she also tickled my curiosity:
"Lady, why are you in such a hurry? If, of course, you can reveal…”
"I can. I have nothing to hide. I had a fight with a man yesterday and the antichrist's birthday is next week. I want to give him the book. I'll wrap it up nicely, I'll also wrap it with a cloth, but when he opens the box, he'll know what awaits him if he continues to persevere."
"Um... Ma'am, but the title of the book sounds a little different: I'll knock your teeth out with my eyelids."
She considered very quickly:
"It doesn't matter. I will cross out the last word. And let him be happy!"
When she arrived, she took five copies. Maybe she had a fight with several…

Dimensions: 15x16 cm
Release year: 2015
Number of pages: 162
Printing: Kubík Printing House, Námestovo

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